电缆槽盖板模具技术要求 |
添加时间:2018/9/7 14:44:32 浏览次数: |
(1):槽体构件尺寸在满足使用功能的同时高和宽相对减小,减少工程的土石方挖掘量、节省工时、加快工程进度; (1) The dimension of the groove member is relatively reduced in height and width while satisfying the service function, which reduces the amount of excavation, saves man-hour and speeds up the progress of the project. (2):槽与槽之间连接缝隙很小,连接的过程中不需要抹灰,有泄水作用; (2): the gap between the groove and the slot is very small, and there is no need for plastering in the process of connection. (3):构件采用高频振动、高压压制而成,具有密实度高、韧性好的特点;电缆槽可打泻水孔;侧壁可打孔有利于接线盒的固定安装; (3) Components are made of high-frequency vibration and high-pressure pressing, which have the characteristics of high density and good toughness. Cable groove can punch drain holes; Side wall can punch holes to facilitate the fixed installation of junction box. (4):电缆槽边角的R型设计,内部采用钢纤维为加强筋,分散性好、对混凝土的裹附力加强,这些都可有效避免构件掉边掉角; (4): The R-shaped design of cable groove edge angle, the internal use of steel fiber as reinforcement, good dispersion, strengthening the binding force of concrete, all these can effectively avoid the component drop edge angle; (5):电缆槽在整个工程中采用同一模具制作,保证了构件尺寸的规整统一性,使精品工程得到保障; (5): The cable groove is made by the same mould in the whole project, which guarantees the uniformity of component size and ensures the excellent project. |
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