盖板模具防老化的方法 |
添加时间:2019/4/16 16:45:54 浏览次数: |
要想让模具使用的时间变长方法:一是避免盖板塑料模具受强光照射;二是避免腐烂变质的物品与盖板塑料模具集中存放;三是生产过程中对模具进行范围的控制;四是控制人为破坏,严格按照生产规定及生产要求进行合理的生产。 In order to make the use of the mould longer, the following methods should be adopted: first, to avoid the plastic mould of the cover plate being irradiated by strong light; second, to avoid the centralized www.langfangbanjia.cn www.diandongmenl.cn www.yanglaoyuans.cn www.hengshuibanjia.cnwww.dianjiaojii.cnwww.guanjiaojii.cnstorage of decaying and deteriorating articles and the plastic mould of the cover plate; third, to control the scope of the mould in the production process; fourth, to control the artificial destruction and to produce reasonably in strict accordance with the production regulations and production requirements. |
上一页 根据浇注系统型制的不同可将塑料模具分为三类 |
下一页 电缆槽盖板模具技术优势 |
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